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Spongebob Squarepants The Yellow Avenger





Spongebob Squarepants The Yellow Avenger 


I really wish the video game industry would get less Spongebob Squarepants video games. None of them seem capable of rising above mediocre and ones like Spongebob Squarepants The Yellow Avenger are pretty bad. There are games I regret volunteering for. My hope and prayer is that my pain and misery can translate into you making a better decision. In other words avoid this Playstation Portable game at all cost. I know PSP gamers are desperate for some half way decent game since there are so few family friendly games appearing on that machine these days. Sony is trying to claw the PS3 out of the grave, and completely forgetting about their other failure.

Spongebob Squarepants The Yellow Avenger took me back immediately with its lackluster graphics. I wonder if this was just a port from the Nintendo DS (without touch screen controls). There are also repetitive violent images where you get to jump on the heads of possessed people.

The music in Spongebob Squarepants The Yellow Avenger grated on my last good nerve. Seriously they are horrible. There is also some attempts at humor that either come off as tacky, brass, or utterly confusing. Maybe I would have liked it better if I was addicted to the weird Spongebob Squarepants cable show.

Spongebob Squarepants The Yellow Avenger is completely linear. Go here and do this, now go back and talk to them, etc. I started not paying attention because everything was the same. Stop these underwater villains, because they are causing problems. I see no reason to replay this PSP game, in fact I see no reason to play it in the first place. Not worth the price of admission.

Earlier I alluded to the repetitive gameplay. Violence is boring enough, but no diversity to it makes it even worse. There are special powers that can be used at a limited basis in certain areas that does nothing to retain my attention in Spongebob Squarepants The Yellow Avenger. The most fun I had was archiving this game with a note that says: “Stay away!” The lengthy loading screens are also creepy - they are a up close face shot of Spongebob.

Spongebob Squarepants The Yellow Avenger is disrespectful to the elderly, and superheroes in general. I see nothing wrong with light mockery, but this PSP game takes it too far, way too often. He does try to save the day, but it seems to be more about making himself look good.
- Sam


Graphics: 70%
Sound: 62%
Replay/Extras: 60%
Gameplay: 70%
Family Friendly Factor: 74%
System: Playstation Portable
Publisher: THQ
Rating: 'E' for Everyone
{Mild Cartoon Violence}

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