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Monsters vs Aliens





Monsters vs Aliens Monsters vs Aliens 


Monsters vs Aliens the video game is based on the Dreamworks movie of the same name. The Wii and Xbox 360 versions of the game were used for this review thanks to our fantastic friends at Activision. The US government has hidden away monsters, and use them in the fight against invading aliens. Players take on the role of the various monsters as they fight to save the planet. B.O.B., Dr. Cockroach, Insectosaurus, the missing link, and Ginormica round out the team of monsters.

The graphics in Monsters vs Aliens are decent for this generation of consoles. There are a lot of various colors and the characters animate admirably. This game also feels really fresh and alive for some reason. That is the good news about this video game. The bad news is there is a lot of violence. Players are encouraged to use various special attacks to beat the enemies. There are a few spots in Monsters vs Aliens where the player is told they can use stealth instead of violence to get through an area. I really appreciated those parts.

Monsters vs Aliens includes a wonderful musical track that motivated me. All of the clashing, and crashing while bashing and breaking things gets a little old. Certain characters have some really bad attitudes, and insult one another. Many times this is attempted humor, and a lot of it comes from the movie. It is nice that the monsters help one another out.

Activision made sure there is a lot of unlockable content in Monsters vs Aliens. This is done via a DNA lab where strands are unlocked. These range from pictures, to movies, to little mini games. An example of a mini games is trying to do a certain portion of a level in a specific amount of time.

Monsters vs Aliens has a lot of levels that are short. I actually find this to be a good thing because it allows the players to save often. It also means I can beat a couple of levels in my normal video game play time and feel like I have accomplished more. The levels do get a little repetitive, and certain monsters have levels that never interested me. Of age children that I let play Monsters vs Aliens had a lot of fun with it.

The biggest problems families will have with Monsters vs Aliens is the whole missing link controversy. There are plenty of huge gaping holes in the fossil record for those that believe in evolution. Content in this game (and movie) mislead people to believe there is only one, and it has been found. 
- Sam


Graphics: 73%
Sound: 69%
Replay/Extras: 83%
Gameplay: 78%
Family Friendly Factor: 62%
System: Wii/Xbox 360/PC/PS2/PS3
Publisher: Activision
Rating: 'E10+' for Everyone 10+
{Cartoon Violence, Comic Mischief}

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