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Littlest PetShop Beach Friends





Littlest PetShop Beach Friends 


Littlest PetShop Beach Friends is the latest Littlest Petshop game on the Nintendo DS. Players get to control cute little animals as they play mini games, and help out their friends in the village. EA included a lot of different items that are collectible. They can be used to create items. Many of the mini games are cute, and the characters are a lot of fun. Kids will like the jokes, and adults (like myself) will happily shake our heads at the corny jokes. A bird character making an egg related joke is a classic example of hte humor in Littlest PetShop Beach Friends on the Nintendo DS.

Visually speaking there are a lot of colors in Littlest PetShop Beach Friends. I found this game to be fresh, upbeat, pleasant, and approachable by all ages. The details are okay, as the animals are a little small. This is the Nintendo DS so I am not complaining. The one time of interest is how helpful the animals are to one another. I did notice a little graphical glitch when I would exit a mini game. It was like a small skip in the animation. The cut scenes in this game are breath taking, and have a lot of love.

Littlest PetShop Beach Friends has amazing music. EA really went all out in this department. I really got into the intro music, and the humor stuck out. I admit the humor is corny, but Littlest PetShop Beach Friends is consistent with it - so they get points with me. I loved how the characters would seek help when they were in over their heads.

One of the cool things about Littlest PetShop Beach Friends is two players can play with one another. That is, if both of ya’ll have this game cartridge and a Nintendo DS each. Sorry no single card download play. There are plenty of items to find, and ribbons to win this hand held video game. Kids will be kept busy for a few weeks at the least.

Littlest PetShop Beach Friends has simple controls, and each mini game is explained before the player plays it. I also liked the questing parts where an arrow showed me where to go next. As a mother who gets asked for help with games frequently, this is a feature that is great to see in a game. I had fun playing Littlest PetShop Beach Friends, as did children I let play it.

Littlest PetShop Beach Friends is a kids game that is safe for the entire family. Friendship, helping others, and love are some of the lessons this DS game teaches. I can see how Littlest PetShop Beach Friends would be geared more towards girls, but I see no problem with boys enjoying it as well.
- Yolanda


Graphics: 87%
Sound: 93%
Replay/Extras: 86%
Gameplay: 90%
Family Friendly Factor: 90%
System: Nintendo DS
Publisher: EA
Rating: 'E' for Everyone

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