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Lilo and Stitch 2-Disc Big Wave Edition





Lilo and Stitch 2-Disc Big Wave Edition 


Lilo & Stitch are making it onto DVD in a 2-Disc Big Wave Edition. This genetically manufactured killing machine escapes the intergalactic council and crash lands on earth. He gets adopted by Lilo - an unhappy little Hawaiian girl. Lilo’s parents died, and her older sister is doing her best to take care of her. Lilo does not make it easy on her sister by getting in trouble all the time. Stitch is hiding from capture, and begins to learn about human culture, family, and his place as a dog. A lot of intellectual questions are covered such as the ability to overcome ones genetics and be a model citizen.

Lilo & Stitch 2-Disc Big Wave Edition has some wonderfully bright, and colorful scenery. The images of the ocean, and Hawaii are fantastic. Hula dancing is performed in this movie, however it seems to be done as tastefully as possible. There is some violence in this movie as  characters shoot their guns, blow up ships, etc.

The audio department of Lilo & Stitch 2-Disc Big Wave Edition is the only problem the WMG has. There is one word used multiple times in this movie that children gasped at, and called a bad word. It detracts from an overall good message of family. Stitch comes a long way in this film, and it is great to see. Elvis fans will find multiple songs from the king.

Disney stuffed Lilo & Stitch 2-Disc Big Wave Edition full of special features. This includes music videos, games, deleted scenes, information on Hawaii and much, much more. It is always nice to have a lot more than just the movie to learn about how a movie is made, along with other additional content.

Menu screens and fastplay function as the WMG expects them to. There are some nice background images on many of the menu screen. The slight education into Hawaiian culture is fascinating (as Mr. Spock would say). Overall Lilo & Stitch 2-Disc Big Wave Edition is a fun little film whose main focus is on family.

Lilo & Stitch 2-Disc Big Wave Edition teaches the importance of loyalty, friendship, and family. Family Friendly Gaming applauds Disney for those lessons. The WMG also enjoyed seeing things improve after being so bad for this family. Lilo & Stitch 2-Disc Big Wave Edition is not perfect, but few movies, and DVD packages are.
  - Working Man Gamer


Graphics: 75%
Sound: 73%
Replay/Extras: 79%
Gameplay: 79%
Family Friendly Factor: 75%
System: DVD
Publisher: Disney
Rating: 'PG' for Parental Guidance
{Mild Sci-Fi Action}

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