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Lego Batman 


Lego Batman on the Nintendo DS is a very difficult video game for me to review. To progress through the levels, the player builds switches out of Legos. To be able to find these hidden Legos the player must destroy all kinds of things in the environment. So on one hand the player has to destroy, and on the other create. This mixed message means Lego Batman is not a game that can be easily classified. There are also enemy characters who have to broken apart in order to progress as well. Every character, and vehicle in this DS game are made out of Legos. The storyline follows a massive Arkham Asylum escape by all the big name Batman bad guys.

Lego Batman looks okay on the DS. There are certain spots, and areas where the player must fall blindly to find secrets. The level of violence is toned down from the home console versions, but it is still present, and just as pointless. Certain vehicle levels scroll by so fast that it was difficult to figure out what was happening. The mix and match to create ones own character is pretty cool.

All of us at Family Friendly Gaming have been harping on this for awhile now, but some kind of voice acting would have been nice. The music is traditional Batman style music that we have grown accustom to. I did not run into any offensive language while playing Lego Batman for the Nintendo DS.

Warner Bros Interactive have done a real good job with the unlockable content. There are specific items hidden in certain levels that are only accessible by certain characters. That means earning enough studs (monetary units in the game) to purchase those characters. If you want to unlock everything then you will be playing for months. On the other hand if you just want to beat the game, Lego Batman will not last as long. If two players have this game they can play one another wirelessly.

Certain characters have certain skills, and that means swapping back and forth. Some levels put this at an insanely high frequency. If your stuck then break everything on the screen (that you can reach). Then find any bouncing Legos and build something. After awhile this gets pretty boring. The vehicle levels are mainly shoot everything in the way, and avoid incoming attacks. The fighting portions of Lego Batman are walk up, and attack them until they break. Boss levels have a little more variety to them.

Lego Batman has some poor pacing for a DS game. It takes a long time to beat some levels, and there are no in level save points. The addictive nature of this game is also a concern to me.
- Sam


Graphics: 60%
Sound: 64%
Replay/Extras: 72%
Gameplay: 57%
Family Friendly Factor: 64%
System: Nintendo DS
Publisher: Warner Bros Interactive
Rating: 'E10+' for Everyone 10+
{Mild Cartoon Violence}

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