Cookie and Cream
I have always had a soft spot for quirky little developers like Agetec. Some friends told me that Cookie & Cream on the PS2 was a game they enjoyed, so I decided to review the much newer Nintendo DS version of the game. Both screens of the DS are utilized quite well as the top screen is for one character and the bottom screen is for another. I found myself swapping from the touch screen to the controls based on puzzles. This game also gives the player only so much time to complete the level. Don’t fret though because that only counts for the score at the end of the level.
There are some nice colors used in Cookie & Cream, but the details can leave a little to be desired. The art design is interesting, and really not to my personal liking. There is some cartoon violence as certain enemies can be jumped on, but they also can be avoided.
Cookie & Cream on the DS has music. None of it really caught my ear, nor was any of it annoying. Agetec included a story about the Rabbit Clan not being able to have a festival because of the moon being gone. Moon worship is a pagan tradition, so I was very cautious when playing Cookie & Cream.
This is one super difficult hand held video game. Expect to replay mini games over and over again due to the confusing directions (more to come in the next paragraph). There is some really neat cooperative game play that can be done with friends who also have DS’s. Cookie & Cream can be found for a really low price at certain retailers. If you can handle the two game play issues then this game may be worth your hard earned dollars.
Cookie & Cream grants the player hints to the mini games. Unfortunately these hints are not always helpful enough. I found myself stuck quite often because I could not figure out what the game wanted me to do. I like how this Nintendo DS video game lets me finish a level if I run out of time. Which makes me wonder why the extremely short timer was even included. The puzzles can be simple or complex, however I had fun finally solving each one.
There are not enough
cooperative video games on the market, so it really cool that Agetec
released Cookie & Cream. Hopefully we will see more video games like
this one in the near future. In other words I would like to see some
sequels, especially if the game play issues are addressed. I also like
how rabbits are being used as the main characters in Cookie & Cream.
Maybe I will look up the PS2 version someday.
- Sam
Graphics: 82%
Sound: 74%
Replay/Extras: 84%
Gameplay: 72%
Family Friendly Factor: 83%
System: Nintendo DS
Publisher: Agetec
Rating: 'E' for Everyone
{Mild Cartoon Violence}
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