Charm Girls Club My Fashion Show
Charm Girls Club My Fashion Show is a Nintendo DS video game that girls can enjoy. This hand held video game joins a crowded field on the Nintendo DS, so I am here to help you decide if your daughter(s), and/or grand-daughter(s) will appreciate this game. The heart of Charm Girls Club My Fashion Show is to create your own fashion line up, designs, and to put on a show. Models will pose for the fashion designer. The real question that has to be answered is how do girls react to this game?
The images in Charm Girls Club My Fashion Show are usually safe for the family. There are some clothing choices that may bother some families. I found the dancing animation that was used as a celebration to be strange. It did not offend, it was just weird. There is a good selection of colors. I would have liked a little more customization in that regard, but that may just be me. The overwhelming majority of the model poses are safe. They look a little arrogant to me, but that is most likely very realistic (editor: none of us have ever been to a real live fashion show).
Charm Girls Club My Fashion Show starts with a fun little music video. That song is okay. After that I was really not into the music in this Nintendo DS video game. The judging character seemed snobbish to me. Thankfully there are other characters who help out. Again this goes to the realism of this profession.
Charm Girls Club My Fashion Show allows the player to collect various charms, clothing, styles, etc. I liked the various changes I could make to a model, like the hair, add a dog, etc. Four girls can play Charm Girls Club My Fashion Show at the same time as long as each of them have a copy of this game cartridge. Once the girls have mastered the runways there is not a lot of reasons to replay in my opinion.
I spent most of my time working on setting up for fashion shows in Charm Girls Club My Fashion Show. There are some mini games, but none of them really stuck with me. What surprised me is how girls I let play this game did not stay engaged for too long. I would have thought they would really get into Charm Girls Club My Fashion Show.
This DS game teaches girls
the basics of fashion design, and putting on a show. Charm Girls Club My
Fashion Show also has a layer of materialism that is lightly applied.
Charm Girls Club My Fashion Show is pretty targeted game. If you are not
into fashion design, then you will not even give this game a second
look. I would like to see a broader sequel for the Charm Girls Club.
- Shirley
Graphics: 74%
Sound: 79%
Replay/Extras: 81%
Gameplay: 78%
Family Friendly Factor: 80%
System: Nintendo DS
Publisher: EA
Rating: 'E'
for Everyone
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