New International Track and Field
New International Track & Field is a worthy successor of the old Track & Field video game. Konami gets a lot of things right in New International Track & Field for the Nintendo DS. Twenty-four Olympic style events can be found in this E10+ (Everyone 10 and older) ESRB rated video game. The events range from Skeet Shooting to the 40 yard dash. Some of them are easier to figure out than others. Once an event is unlocked the player can go into a single event mode and practice before tackling four events back to back. Completing each section of four events unlocks four more until they are all unlocked. Konami included quite a few different characters from their other franchises. A character from the Metal Gear Solid, and Silent Hill franchises make little sense to this reviewer, especially when the goal seems to be more family friendly than arrogant dirty gamer.
The vibrant colors really fit New International Track & Field perfectly. The inclusion of blood, and cartoon violence make little sense to this reviewer, and really detract from what could have been so wholesome. The enticement to lust issue is also in this game as many of the female characters wear bikini style clothing. Their cartoon graphics make this one borderline in this reviewers opinion.
New International Track & Field could have excelled into the upper regions in the sound section if the bad language was not included. The Chariots of Fire music immediately resonated with me, and made this game a very pleasurable experience. The sound effects are also generally good. Sadly I have to go back to the few characters that are in bondage to bad language.
Konami included a lot of unlockables, events, characters, and difficulty settings to keep people playing New International Track & Field for a long time. Some of the content (descriptors) may discourage a lot of people from purchasing this game. I see it becoming an instant cult classic among the obsessive gamers.
Generally New International Track & Field controls the way it should. There are a few events where the player must be trying to watch both screens, and that can be difficult. The instructions that appear before each event are a nice addition. Some kind of a hint when I foul out twenty times in a row would have been even better.
I like the style of New
International Track & Field with the gameplay, and the bright colorful
look. Konami is on the right track with this Nintendo DS video game.
With that said sequels would be welcome as long as they clean up a lot
of the bad content. Honestly there is no reason so many ESRB descriptors
on a game that should be accessible for more members of the family.
- Sam
Graphics: 69%
Sound: 72%
Replay/Extras: 79%
Gameplay: 74%
Family Friendly Factor: 70%
System: Nintendo DS
Publisher: Konami
Rating: 'E10+'
for Everyone 10+
{Animated Blood, Comic Mischief, Language, Mild Cartoon Violence, Mild
Suggestive Themes}
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