Cooking Mama World Kitchen
Cooking Mama is one of those amazing franchises that we can not get enough of at Family Friendly Gaming. Well maybe not everyone, but certainly I am into it, and my ever so amazing hubby has also found fun in this franchise. Cooking Mama World Kitchen is the fourth Cooking Mama game to be released in the United States of America, and the second one on the Nintendo Wii. This time around Majesco Entertainment put even more effort into using the Wii Remote. We still get to cook, and Mama is still very encouraging. She lets you make mistakes and tells you to try harder - no getting whacked upside the head for sassing her. Actually she is so nice that I had no interest in back talking. That is not entirely true, there were a few mini games that I wanted her to explain to me a little bit better.
I love the visuals in Cooking Mama World Kitchen, especially the special effects. This Wii game screams polish because of how well done it is. There are no offensive graphics, and I really appreciate that. There is an alcohol reference, which is used in some real cooking so I can not get too excited about that. Doing certain tasks too quickly like stirring the bowl can send stuff flying - even on the television screen. Character display their displeasure when mistakes are made, but that is always comical.
Cooking Mama World Kitchen keeps the positive, uplifting, and encouraging statements going throughout the game. I did get a little tired of Mama telling me she would help me out after I did not complete a cooking task in time. That is a minor quibble, and as I got better at the mini games I heard it less and less. Mama has an Asian accent which may take some players awhile to adapt to. Given our family tree we felt like we were at a family gathering.
Majesco knows what they are doing when it comes to unlockable content. In fact a lot of Cooking Mama World Kitchen feels like a Nintendo made game in this reviewer's opinion. Play through a recipe and it almost always opens up a new one. There are plenty of modes, especially the more competitive ones for the really good people out there that play video games. Two players can stir up some fun at the same time with this Wii game. Even though I have one minor issue with the gameplay (in the next paragraph), I still feel that Cooking Mama World Kitchen is worth the money.
The majority of Cooking Mama World Kitchen controls flawlessly. There were a few areas where I was holding the Wii Remote as the game said, and moving it as it said, and nothing was happening on screen. This was only a few mini games, but it did lead to frustration. The other problem I found is the clock is going really fast. I would love for an unlimited clock in order to learn some of these mini games. Players are expected to always be on their toes because they never know what the game will throw at them next (control wise).
Some in the gaming media
do not like games like Cooking Mama World Kitchen because women are in
their traditional roles. I applaud Majesco Entertainment for sticking
with traditional values, and not trying to redefine things just so a
microcosm of people will be happy. I expect this Wii game will have
great success, and we will get another one. Cooking Mama World Kitchen
is fun for the whole family.
- Yolanda
Graphics: 97%
Sound: 93%
Replay/Extras: 99%
Gameplay: 90%
Family Friendly Factor: 96%
System: Wii
Publisher: Majesco Entertainment
Rating: 'E' for Everyone
{Alcohol Reference, Comic Mischief}
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