Light Rangers Mending The Maniac Madness
Christian video games have been growing leaps and bounds; Light Rangers: Mending the Maniac Madness is one such example of how far they have come. This anime style action adventure super hero game is one of the most entertaining Christian video games to come out. The game exudes character, as the personality of each of the characters stands out. Amos, AJ, Angel, and Crash all play very well. Dr. Goodman is a wonderful mentor type who directs the super hero team in their quest to free Angel Town. One of the coolest aspects of this game is the way the player's health can be restored - by answering trivia questions on the Holy Bible.
The graphics in this game are bright, and colorful. The anime style of artwork works amazingly well; in fact it shines. The details are done well. Wholesome images are used properly in this game. Images in this game promote a relationship with Jesus Christ, and exhibit the dangers of enslavement to sins. This reviewer found nothing in the graphical department that would be offensive.
The sounds in this game are very crisp, and clear. The music in Light Rangers: Mending the Maniac Madness is pleasant in each of the levels. The boss levels have a faster pace that remind the player that the sin of slothfulness is to be avoided in those levels at all costs. The sounds work very well in this game, and they all make sense. The sounds promote the teachings in the Holy Bible, especially the cut scenes.
Light Rangers: Mending the Maniac Madness is chalk full of extras. Certain items found throughout the game can be used to purchase many of the unlockable items. The cut scenes, and coloring pages some examples of the extras. There is also an area to practice on some of the trivia questions. After the game is beaten this reviewer can not see much reason to replay it; except to be able to get all the purchasable extras. This reviewer does feel that this game is worth the ticket of admission.
The gameplay in this game is a collage of different gaming styles, morphed into one slick little package. There are side scrolling levels, shooting levels, pac-man style levels, and puzzle levels. This constantly changing game style can be dangerous, but works stunningly in Light Rangers: Mending the Maniac Madness. There is not enough time to become bored with any given level, since the next one will most likely be different. The boss levels are also nicely done. The strategy needed to beat some of them are ingenious. The only bad part about this game is it ended too soon.
This is the kind of game that needs a ton of sequels. It is a blast
to play, has a plethora of personality, and is safe for most of the
family. The shooting levels are cartoonish, and the enemies just vanish.
This is the kind of game that has good teachings in it, and is one that
can be recommended to a pastor. It was a complete joy to review Light
Rangers: Mending the Maniac Madness.
- Paul
Graphics: 99%
Sound: 100%
Replay/Extras: 92%
Gameplay: 98%
Family Friendly Factor: 91%
System: Personal Computer/MAC
Publisher: Brethren Entertainment
Rating: 'E' for Everyone
{Mild Cartoon Violence}
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