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Franklin A Birthday Surprise   


There are only a few video game franchises that are fun for both children and adult at the same time. The Franklin video game series from American Game Factory is certainly fitting into that highly esteemed mold quite well. Franklin: A Birthday Surprise on the Playstation 2 is quite a treat for me to play, and review. Franklin goes about quite a few chores to help his fellow villagers (all animals by the way) in quite a few different tasks. The ultimate game goal, and storyline is about a surprise birthday party for his best friend Bear. There are side scrolling levels where quite a few different items can be collected, fun little mini games, and high quality movie snip its to watch. The game is set in a 3D environment, that has mostly 2D action in it. It is geared more towards children for their imagination, problem solving, puzzles, and creativity.

Graphically Franklin: A Birthday Surprise is rich in bright, and colorful graphics. The 3D models are done really well, and the entire graphical department shows quite a bit of shine on it. American Game Factory spent the extra time making this game look really good. This Playstation 2 game looks better than some of the Franklin videos I have watched. The details are nicely done, as are the animations. Pumping the water pump in order to get water in the can was a nice little touch. The artwork brought a sense of wonder to my eyes. Children we showed this game to also lit up in excitement over seeing Franklin.

The sounds in Franklin: A Birthday Surprise are very uplifting, as well as completely clear. The child-like innocence in the voice acting comes through loud and clear. The music is always cheerful, and a ray of sunshine. All of the sounds work perfectly for this game, and certain scenes had little children dancing to the beat with their feet.

There are games that are worth your hard earned dollars, and there are games that are most assuredly worth your hard earned dollars. Franklin: A Birthday Surprise is definitely worth your hard earned dollars. The difficulty settings, mini games, and replay value are certainly found within this game. You can find this game for under $20.00 US Dollars. The mini games are challenging, but also fun to play again, and again. More than one player can play as well.

The controls in this game handle like a dream. A few of the mini games require exact timing, where a parent may need to assist a child. But you should be spending time with your children anyways, and what better way than with a great video game like this one. The design of the controls works really good. The puzzles in this game even stumped me from time to time. It helps to have a husband who is a whiz at these things, and he showed me the way. This game is a blast to play. I had so much fun with it. It is one of the few I will keep in my bin to keep playing for months to come.

Franklin: A Birthday Surprise wins the much sought after FFG seal of approval. This game is good all around. It teaches wonderful lessons about helping others, trying for yourself, and doing good. I am recommending it to pastors, youth leaders, and parents all over the world. We need more safe for the entire family video games like this one.
- Yolanda

Graphics: 98%
Sound: 95%
Replay/Extras: 99%
Gameplay: 100%
Family Friendly Factor: 100%
System: Playstation 2
Publisher: The Game Factory
'E' for Everyone

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