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Sonic the Hedgehog 


Sonic the Hedgehog has a long history in the video game industry, when most gamers were either Mario, or Sonic fanboys (us Bonk fanboys were generally ignored). Sega has tried different 3D Sonic games with a varying degree of success. Enter Sonic the Hedgehog on the Xbox 360 (and the start of Xbox 360 coverage for Family Friendly Gaming). Graphically this game is beautiful beyond belief. Sonic and his whole crew seem out of place with the realistic people in this land. The camera is the biggest problem in this game with all of its jerking, and bouncing. If that was not enough Sega decided to shift the camera in certain areas to let the player see behind them, and not in front. This game is rated E10+ by the ESRB for Fantasy Violence. Expect a full review in the spectacular Family Friendly Gaming #9, and possibly online in the future. {12/03/2006} - Paul


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