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Construction Simulator



Construction Simulator 

The biggest problem with Construction Simulator are the controls. The controls in Construction Simulator are not intuitive. The controls are generally frustrating, irritating, aggravating, and annoying. At the end of the day the controls are pretty important to a video game like Construction Simulator. If I struggle doing anything on every single job then why would I keep playing this game? The publisher for Construction Simulator is astragon Entertainment. The developer for Construction Simulator is weltenbauer, Software, Entwicklung.

There are so many things in Construction Simulator that were done right. We get jobs, and we drive out to the site. We get into different vehicles and work the job. I tried to go into the menus and look at the controls in Construction Simulator. Sadly not everything is covered there. I ran into issues with extending or retracting the arms in some vehicles in Construction Simulator. Resetting the controls when I needed to retract them worked the best. How sad is that? This version of Construction Simulator can be found on the PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X. Look for a review of Construction Simulator in issue #208 of the always amazing Family Friendly Gaming magazine and e-magazine.
- Paul


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