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Way of the Hunter



Way of the Hunter 


I am so glad that my dad bought a copy of Way of the Hunter on the Xbox Series X. Way of the Hunter can also be found on the PC and PS5. This is a realistic hunting game with two massive areas to hunt in. Way of the Hunter is so realistic that you may wander around rarely find any animals. Which is not exactly conducive of being able to hunt anything. To be fair Way of the Hunter does provide the player with all kinds of tools to find the animals like binoculars. The publisher for Way of the Hunter is THQ Nordic. the developer for Way of the Hunter is Nine Rock Games.

Way of the Hunter looks pretty good too. I enjoyed playing Way of the Hunter because I felt like I was out in nature. There is plenty of diversity in the massively large environments as well. At lot of effort was put into making Way of the Hunter look good. There is blood as we shoot the animals. If we wound the animal then we can track the blood trail to try and catch up to it. The realistic bullet action within Way of the Hunter can take some getting used to. I ran into all kinds of problems hitting animals at far distances because of this. Expect a full review of Way of the Hunter in issue #185 of the always amazing Family Friendly Gaming magazine and e-magazine.
- Teen Gamer


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