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Story of Seasons Friends of Mineral Town



Story of Seasons Friends of Mineral Town 


Story of Seasons Friends of Mineral Town is a remake of Harvest Moon More Friends of Mineral Town that was on the Gameboy Advance. Since Marvelous and Natsume parted ways older Harvest Moon games can be remade into Story of Season games. Marvelous owns rights to the games, and Natsume to the name Harvest Moon. Confusing I know. I tried to explain this in some of my YouTube live streams of this video game that appears on the Nintendo Switch and Personal Computer. The ESRB rating of this game is Everyone TEN and OLDER ONLY with these descriptors: Comic Mischief, Suggestive Themes, and Use of Alcohol.

Story of Seasons Friends of Mineral Town lets us cook, plant, sew, raise animals, compete in competitions and more. We are constantly getting food for our animals. We are constantly watering the crops. We can mine for ore to pay for better tools. I would prefer to save up the money to buy the better tools. Mining is horrible. Expect a full review of Story of Seasons Friends of Mineral to appear in an upcoming issue of the always amazing Family Friendly Gaming magazine and e-magazine. There is some offensive content in this game that will bother a great many families.
- Paul


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