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Open Country



Open Country 


Were you able to check out the live stream I did of Open Country? If you missed it then please check out the video section of the Family Friendly Gaming website. We will also get the video on our video sites and channels as time allows. Open Country is a hunting video game. You guys know how much I enjoy playing hunting video games. There are things I like about Open Country and things I dislike. I will get into that in the full review. Open Country can be played on the PC, Xbox One, and PS4. I played it on the PS4. 505 Games is the publisher of Open Country. The developer of Open Country is Fun Labs.

First off Open Country looks really nice. I love how this game looks and how it highlights animals and other objects we can interact with. There is violence in Open Country against animals. The animals will also bleed in Open Country. This is obviously done for some realism. It is worth mentioning if you are squeamish about things like blood and violence in a video game. Open Country does contain it as long as you hit the animals. Expect a full review of Open Country in one of the amazing issues of Family Friendly Gaming. This game is rated THIRTEEN and OLDER ONLY for blood and violence.
- Teen Gamer


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