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Sea of Thieves



Sea of Thieves 


The issues families will have with Sea of Thieves are violence, blood, lack of attire, ghosts, skeletons, false goddess, alcohol, vomit, and more. Sea of Thieves will force new players into the tutorial first. This is a handy way to learn how to do things like search for treasure, dig, swap what you are holding, set sail, control the ship, fire cannons, swing the sword and more. Players will learn how to equip things and fix their boat. All of those are important lessons in this game. The publisher for Sea of Thieves is Microsoft Games. The developer of Sea of Thieves is Rare. What happened to Rare? They used to make good games. Sea of Thieves can be found on the PC and Xbox One.

Sea of Thieves can be played by yourself. Please note that you will come across aggressive teams in larger ships that will only want to sink you. When you die you go to a ghost ship for awhile before the game lets you respawn back in the world. Your ship will also respawn. A lot of people play Sea of Thieves in the most evil way possible. We play Sea of Thieves in a first person perspective and the game looks good. The music is nice to listen to. I am not a fan of the nasty dialogue in Sea of Thieves. Expect a full review of Sea of Thieves to appear in an upcoming issue of the always amazing Family Friendly Gaming magazine and e-magazine.


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