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Rugby League Live 4



Rugby League Live 4 


Hopefully you were one of the many viewers that watched Peter and I live stream Rugby League Live 4 on the Xbox One. If you missed it then please click here. It took us some time to figure out the controls in Rugby League Live 4. Peter insisted we play blind and not look at the instruction manual. The developer for Rugby League Live 4 is Big Ant Studios. The publisher for Rugby League Live 4 is Tru Blu Entertainment.

The defenses are extremely stout in Rugby League Live 4. It is really hard to get through that line and break a long run. Since we do not totally understand the rules we were lost in what was happening with bunkers. We did eventually figure those things out. Rugby League Live 4 can be a bit of a mystery. The controls in Rugby League Live 4 are overly convuluted. We have played a plethora of Rugby video games that have easier to learn controls. Expect a full review of Rugby League Live 4 to appear in an upcoming issue of the always amazing Family Friendly Gaming magazine and e-magazine.
- Paul


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