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NBA 2K17



NBA 2K17 


NBA 2K17 fell flat for me this year. Maybe it is all the hype and propaganda that surrounded it. Maybe it is the creepy eyes in too many of the players. Maybe it is the lack of any good, interesting or decent modes. NBA 2K17 brings back Team USA. Which makes me wonder why it was removed. Video game companies remove things and keep silent about it. Then they brag about it when they put it back in. NBA 2K17 is a massive installation over fifty gigs. It takes forever to install this basketball video game. Why can't we play NBA 2K17 right off the disc? That is something we encourage here at Family Friendly Gaming. Be sure to check out the video capture of NBA 2K17 that Family Friendly Gaming did. It is one exciting basketball game. Click here to check it out.

I am thankful Family Friendly Gaming rented a copy of NBA 2K17 on the Xbox One. The PR and Marketing for 2K Sports totally bricked it when it comes to Family Friendly Gaming. Not surprising since they are on the Top Ten Listing of Worst Companies to Work With. I hope to have a review of NBA 2K17 in the always amazing Family Friendly Gaming e-magazine. Either issue #112, or issue #113. Don't want to tie myself down if it does not work out yah know? I will advise Family Friendly Gaming Universe to wait on this game to drop in price. Say twenty dollars or less brand new.
- Frank


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