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Home Run 


For years now I have been begging Christian movie producers to please make more modern day movies. The frontier era is a wonderful era. I just want something more modern. Members of the Family Friendly Gaming Nation were in attendance at an early screening of Home Run. Does this flick knock it out of the park? Or does the runner miss touching third base on an inside the park home run and get thrown out? I suppose it depends who you ask those questions to. I can tell you the impressions of everyone at Family Friendly Gaming that saw it. It was universally liked and admired.

This is a PG-13 rated movie that is one of the cleanest and safest movies we have seen for families. It deals with themes like addiction that are adult in nature. Kids are abused by parents in a variety of ways, or characters describe how they were abused. In that sense alone this movie earned the rating. The language in Home Run is clean, and there was one punch thrown (which did land) in the entire film. Drunk characters do throw tantrums in this movie - so I guess you could say it has outbursts of anger in it.

The thing I like most about Home Run is how it accurately shows his skepticism and struggles. It also shows the pain he is in, which leads him to drink. It also shows that no matter where you are you can change your life with God's help. If you know anyone suffering from any kind of addiction then Home Run is the perfect film for them. If you want to learn how to help those suffering, then Home Run is also a movie for you. April 19, in the year of our Lord 2013 this movie will hit theaters.
{03/01/2013} - Paul


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