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Trauma Team



Trauma Team 


The Trauma series has been an interesting franchise on the Nintendo DS, and a previous game on the Wii. This medical style of video game works perfectly on the Wii. What really impressed the WMG about Trauma Team is the presentation. An amazing amount of effort was put into the spit and polish of this Wii game. In many ways Trauma Team feels like a role playing game. There are various doctor's stories that can be played to learn about this fantasy world. Certain plot elements are predictable, but that may come from this gamers experience. Getting to save lives in Trauma Team is a fantastic element. Although the WMG felt at times there were too many things going wrong. Especially when an area was cleaned out and stitched up, only to have new tumors appear later. This is a minor quibble of course. Families do need to know that Trauma Team is rated 'T' for Teen by the ESRB. The descriptors for this Wii game are Blood, Language, Suggestive Themes, Use of Tobacco, and Violence. Operating on people is of course going to include blood. The WMG is surprised that gore was not included since the player sees internal organs. The language descriptor is accurate as there are some intense drama moments where characters repeatedly use a lot of bad language. This is also where some of the violence happens as well. Certain female characters are busting out which is where the suggestive themes comes in, and there is at least one character who has a cigarette hanging out of his mouth most of the time. The leap from the hand held to the Wii is a good one for this franchise, and Trauma Team is sure to please a lot of gamers. Expect a full review to appear online late April in the year of our Lord 2010. {04/12/2010} - Working Man Gamer


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