Hot Wheels Ultimate Racing
Hot Wheels has been an awesome brand, and I was really happy to find this PSP (Playstation Portable) hand held video game. It was a budget game, so I hoped for the best. The ESRB gave it an Everyone rating, with no descriptors so I thought families would be interested in reading about it. Trust me, you will want to know about Hot Wheels Ultimate Racing - just not in ways you may have thought. The controls in this PSP game are very tough to adapt to. At times I could go through these nasty curves with no problems, and other laps I could not stay off the walls. Which reminds me, if you make a mistake you can forget about finishing first. Most of the time you can forget about finishing in the top seven (out of eight cars). Hot Wheels Ultimate Racing has two special powers, which are marginally helpful. The graphics blend into one another, which is another problem that sent me into the walls quite a bit. I hunted around in the options and could not find a difficulty setting, so I was stuck with what the game gave me. I work hard to get a review of Hot Wheels Ultimate Racing in a future issue of Family Friendly Gaming. {09/03/2009} - Frank
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