Help Wanted
Help Wanted is an interesting Wii game being published by Hudson. Fifty fun jobs will be included in this summer in the year of our Lord 2009 release. Family Friendly Gaming was blessed with an early demo copy of the game with nine of the jobs. Each job is essentially a mini game based on the real profession. Milking a cow, fishing with a net, juggling as a clown, posing as a bodybuilder, and driving a stunt car are some of the jobs included. The player also gets to work as a crew member of a haunted house trying to scare people. The ESRB has rated this game E10+ with Comic Mischief, Mild Cartoon Violence, and Mild Suggestive Themes as the descriptors.
The graphics are standard Hudson quality with a lot of bright colors, and the music is very upbeat and exciting. The controls in the different games can be complex in some games. Thankfully there is a selectable screen right before playing the mini game that explains the controls. The Bodybuilder mini game is realistic which means the competitors are not wearing a lot. Farming, and sewing (Tailor) are some of the most useful in this previewers opinion. Expect additional coverage of this game in Family Friendly Gaming #23. {03/08/2009} - Working Man Gamer
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