I get a lot of emails from a lot of places. Press releases, offers of products for review, thank yous, and many more. There are products that I miss for awhile, or just do not stand out. Then there are products like Grump. Grump is a game that stands out, but Family Friendly Gaming has not done a lot in this area. Grump is an online card game that reminds me of a game I played as a young boy. You have a pile of cards that you want to go through, and all the players play in the middle. Whoever gets the 3 of spades on top of the 2 of spades first is the one who gets their card played. Card games online is nothing new, but Grump brings back a lot of memories for me. I hope you will take a few minutes to check out Grump, and play the game. I have found this game to be a fun little way to unwind after a hectic day. {07/22/2009} - Paul
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