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Nintendo has never been afraid of trying something unique. Odama on the Gamecube is probably the most unique game I have ever played. It is a pinball game where two armies are fighting and the player is trying to move a bell to the end of the pinball machine. The ball must always be kept in motion, as well as the troops protected. In theory this kind of a video game could have been okay except there are a few major flaws. The eastern mysticism does not sit well with me, nor does the insane difficulty setting. Taking a few days to defeat the first level is common. Which really means the game is no fun. If Nintendo wanted to include an ultra difficult mode that would have been fine, but not the normal setting. The microphone commands work nicely proving Nintendo put some effort into the development of Odama. Expect a full review to appear in a future issue of the always amazing Family Friendly Gaming. Until then, you probably want to pass on this one, unless you are working on a degree in frustration. {03/18/2008} - Frank


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