Wild Arms 5
Wild Arms 5 is a definite improvement from the previous game in the series. It is also the 10th anniversary of the wild west themed role playing game. The hex battle system has returned with a few small tweaks. The whistling tune from the numerous battles really gets stuck in ones head. Typical cliched role play game storylines are found as Xseed Games did not want to stray from the known formula. The ESRB rated this game 'T' for Teen with Fantasy Violence, Mild Language, Suggestive Themes, and Use of Alcohol and Tobacco as the descriptors. Thus far in playing this Playstation 2 game all of those descriptors are easily found. They are however not as pronounced as they were in Wild Arms 4. Expect a review in a future issue of this amazing Family Friendly Gaming. {09/06/2007} - RPG Master
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