In one of the most eccentric games for your Nintendo Wii, you follow Kai, and ten-year-old boy who is after Elebits, the source of power in the world. Elebits are cute creatures who power everything. This reviewer has to admit, this is one of the best titles you will get for the Wii this year. The gameplay has you, the player, follow Kai in his adventures. You explore the house, neighborhood, and even a theme park. Using the Elebits Capture Gun, you collect Elebits to power up your world! Kai’s mother and father are always away, so Kai becomes jealous. This game proves to have family value at the end, so don’t worry. You will not be disappointed! Using the Wiimote as a pointer and the Nunchuck to move, it is very easy to learn the controls. This game is rated 'E' for everyone with Cartoon Violence being the only descriptor. Look forward to a review coming in a future issue of Family Friendly Gaming! {01/12/2007} - ClassicTyler
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