From the Editor's Desk
Record Breaking May 2006
Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, and thank you. I am so very grateful to all ya'll who have been supporting this magazine, website, and vision we have for video game publishing. Last month - May in the year of our Lord 2006 we had just shy of 21 thousand hits. The day we released the New Super Mario BROS. review, we have over three thousand hits (our biggest one hit day yet). Thousands upon thousands of people are checking us out, and using us as a research tool for finding information on family friendly video games. They are also embracing the innovations we have brought to magazine publishing. Finally many are studying the good and bad side effects of video games in a fair and balanced manner. We feel so very blessed that so many have read what we have to say, and keep coming back. In fact without asking ya'll must be telling others because we have been increasing every single month for quite awhile now.
God placed this ministry/company upon my heart, and I have faithfully followed. I have done that with honestly no idea how to do most of it. I am a mere man, and have made mistakes along the way. I don't hide that, nor do I dwell on it all the time. I have felt that open honesty is the best policy, we have that as one of our mottos here at Family Friendly Gaming. We also strive to keep our product safe for the entire family. We love hearing your opinions on how we are doing, especially constructive criticism where you feel we can improve. I know we have a long way to go, but those in the video game industry are taking notice of us. We are thankful that they find us note worthy enough to do so.
If you are encouraged by this ministry, please tell others about it. Check out the 'How you can help us' page, and consider joining Family Friendly Gaming. Most of all though, we need prayers. There have been attacks by the forces of evil on us, and it is obvious that Satan does not want this magazine to be released. It is only through God's grace that we have gotten anything done. It is all through God's power, and He gets all the glory from me.
God bless you and yours,
Paul Bury
Editor in Chief
Family Friendly Gaming