From the Editor's Desk
I recently had an extremely large corporation fly me out to talk to me about joining their organization. In the process of discussions I found out they expected their workers to be on site, at work for a minimum of 50 hours per week. By the way, the minimum is frowned upon. They encourage their workers to be on site more than that. When workers do leave, they have to carry an electronic leash (pager). Those pages have to be returned within 15 minutes, or that worker gets frowned upon. The irony of this is this corporation claims to be all about family. So this got my brain matter to a thinking, and a lot of praying concerning this issue.
What are your priorities? What is most important to you. For me, it is God, family, then work. I refuse to put work above ministry, and I refuse to put work above family. America is having an epidemic of problems in society, and many of them can be traced back to problems in the family. It is selfish to bury oneself in work, and neglect their family. I am very mindful of that truth. My priorities are where they should be. This corporation, and some of their workers may not comprehend this kind of a stance. It is one I have taken, and will continue to take.
I will never forget a story from my father. He was working 60 hours a week as a manager at a K-mart. I was a baby, and would not see him. He was up, and at work before I woke up; then he would get home after I went to bed. So he finally got some time with me on a weekend, and I was scared of him. That really opened up his eyes, that his first born son did not know who he was. That historical accounting has always stuck with me. My father quit that job, and found a better one. It is a family legacy that we not only provide for our families, but we are there as well.
I feel it is also important to stress that the Holy Spirit gets all the credit for opening my eyes. It is not by my might, intellect that these things come out. It is all thanks to God. I feel very blessed that He showed me such a major pitfall, and that I am able to make the choice to avoid it. It also reminds me how important it is to include God in every single decision we make in our lives. He knows better than us, He is wiser than we, and He will never steer us wrong.
When any of those who work so hard on this magazine, and website tell me they need some time with their families, or it will take them longer to get something done - I am supportive of them taking time off. The family is more important. Family Friendly Gaming completely supports that on all levels. Take time to relax, and refresh. It will be okay, and it always has been alright.
Please take some time to think about your priorities in life.
God bless you and yours,
Paul Bury
Editor in Chief
Family Friendly Gaming