From the Editor's Desk
Message boards not yet
There has been some interest in message boards on this site. We have looked into it, and feel the time is not quite right for that. However we have not completely disregarded the idea, just put it on hold for a little while. The main issue is time right now. The magazine, and website are pretty time consuming. There are a lot of games to go through at present time as well. I have also seen what hackers like to do, and that is really annoying. It is beyond me why some people find wrecking havoc to be appropriate or even funny. They would not like someone to do it to them, so why do they do it to others?
We totally understand the issue of community, and it is something we are striving towards. A lot of what goes on here at FFG is a process. We plan on getting there. Timeframe some will ask? I won't say check back daily for an announcement. :) That kind of an answer has always bothered me. What I can say is we are working diligently on Family Friendly Gaming #5. As the finishing touches are put on FFG #5, then we will be getting the industry standard magazine publishing software. Once we have a handle on the new software, then we will revisit the message boards issue.
We have a plan, and I have prayed diligently about this. I hope all ya'll can understand, and continue to be patient. My experience with everyone interested in, and associated with this magazine is ya'll are very understanding. For that all of us at FFG are very grateful.
God bless you and yours,
Paul Bury
Editor in Chief
Family Friendly Gaming