From the Editor's Desk
From Nothing
It is humbling to me to receive so much praise for starting Family Friendly Gaming. I look back at where we were a little over a year ago, and acknowledge we truly started from absolutely nothing. The Printmaster software to create the magazine is piddly (no offense meant to the makers of that product). We will be going over to some really cool, and professional magazine software starting with issue #7. This will enable us to completely redesign the layout for that issue. We also used Printmaster to design the website a year ago. We have since invested in Dreamweaver, learned a ton about web publishing, and the website looks as professional as we hoped for in the beginning. We are currently looking into upgrading the printer, and paper that we use. From nothing to professional is quite a leap. God gets all the glory, because there is absolutely no way under our own power we could have produced six magazines this quickly, that look that good on our own. There is no way under our own power that we could have so much note worthy content on the website in such a short time. God certainly has been sustaining us, giving us strength, and wisdom. We are all very thankful for everything God has done for us.
We are hoping for, and praying for continued growth. It is my belief that the more we improve Family Friendly Gaming, the more people will flock to it. There are plenty of parents interested in the moral content of video games. There are plenty of Christian gamers pondering the extent of their interaction in this form of entertainment. There are plenty of non-believers who are curious to learn more about those of us shining for Christ. Family Friendly Gaming is here for each and every one of them.
The improvements that have come over time at Family Friendly Gaming have been by design. We knew upfront that in order to make a product on a monthly basis at the same level as the secular products would take an enormous amount of money. After much prayer and deliberation we felt the road God had for us is one of progress. We have progressed steadily, and rather quickly towards the goal. Are we there yet? Not yet my child. We have a ways to go yet, but with each step we get closer.
This reality of progress has been extremely encouraging to me. Step by step we are getting there. The best way to track your progress is to compare to a year ago. A year ago we were nothing. Family Friendly Gaming has come a very long way in a difficult to break into industry in a year. Praise God that we are not only still here, but growing at a rate beyond my wildest dreams.
God bless you and yours,
Paul Bury
Editor in Chief
Family Friendly Gaming