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Tales of Graces f





Tales of Graces f 


Namco Bandai has a well known role playing game franchise in the form of the Tales games. The most recent release for the Playstation 3 is Tales of Graces f. Different gamers have different tastes. I find myself enjoying many of the quirks in Tales of Graces f. I also enjoy the depth of the characters, and how the storyline unravels.

Tales of Graces f starts us out with children who are between eleven and fourteen. The irony to me is the main character at that point is not even old enough to play this game, since it is for those thirteen years old and older according to the ESRB. They fast forward seven years after a certain event is reached in this PS3 game.

A few of the female characters in Tales of Graces f could be dressed better. Thankfully they are few and far between. Cheria has a very short skirt and she likes to bend over from time to time. Thankfully the camera angle is generally on the side. The art style looks better than most cel shaded games, and I appreciated that. There is violence in Tales of Graces f. The battles consist of the player using weapons to drain away the enemies health. Artes can also be used - these are a mixture of skills and what would be magic in other games.

One of the down sides of Tales of Graces f is the language. There are some bad words scattered throughout the game. What I liked about Tales of Graces f is how we could go hours without hearing a bad word. And then there is the music. The music in Tales of Graces f is very inspiring. I can recognize raw talent in the musical score.

It can take forty hours to beat Tales of Graces f. There are various sub quests, item creation, cooking, and more that can be unearthed. Once you beat the game, then there is ten more hours of an epilogue. This is a neat extra that Namco Bandai put in. There are hundreds of items, skills, and levels for the player to discover. Four family members can play Tales of Graces f at the same time. This may seem weird for a role playing game, but they can help out in the hack and slash battles.

I found Tales of Graces f very easy to follow. I knew exactly where to go next at every single turn. This PS3 game will not let you go other directions when the story requires you to go a certain way. I like this because it means I always know I am going the right direction. There is some quirky humor in Tales of Graces f as well. After battles sometimes the characters will have short conversations. These are almost always funny.

The childhood portion of Tales of Graces f had me thinking about how disobedient Asbel was. He was a horrible child to his family and friends. He was clueless about those who loved him. He grew up in Tales of Graces f slowly. He learns to do what is best for others. He becomes a real servant leader. He is bold enough to stand up against those doing evil.

The back of Tales of Graces f has: "Bonds of Friendship are Eternal." While this is a theme of Tales of Graces f, I feel it is so much more. It is a game of discovery. We discover a fantasy world that has deep secrets. Characters in this PS3 game are very human. They make mistakes, they worry about others, they help out, and so much more. Namco Bandai has found a way to put wonderful writing into a very deep game. I would love to see sequels to this game. It would be wonderful if some of the ESRB negative descriptors could be left on the drawing room floor.
- Paul


Graphics: 59%
Sound: 63%
Replay/Extras: 84%
Gameplay: 68%
Family Friendly Factor: 60%
System: Playstation 3
Publisher: Namco Bandai
ating:  ‘T’ - Teen
{Crude Humor, Fantasy Violence, Mild Language, Mild Suggestive Themes}

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