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Who says Nintendo has all the innovation in the video game industry? Sony has stepped up to the plate with LocoRoco on the Playstation Portable, and turning heads. They have certainly gotten the attention of Family Friendly Gaming with this awesome video game. In a galaxy far, far away there is a planet - err wait that is a different franchise. There is a peaceful planet (past our telescopes) until it got invaded. These gentle creatures have no idea how to defend themselves, so it is up to the player to free them. This is done via the ‘L’, and ‘R’ buttons. These buttons tilt the screen (their world), and the little LocoRoco’s roll around. When they eat certain berries they will increase in size. Pressing of the ‘O’ button can separate into a bunch of smaller ones when the situation warrants it (i.e. small tunnels), and then holding the ‘O’ button will bring them back together. If you are trying to figure out what a LocoRoco is, they are little blob like creatures on a fantasy planet.

The overwhelming levels are very bright and colorful. There is one level per world (each world has eight levels) that is done at twilight. The artwork is such an awesome style to the WMG. It is simple, but has amazing animation. The LocoRocos have such awesome expressions, and their mouths match the sounds exactly. Wholesome images are used properly as well. The rotation of the levels is very smooth like apricot nectar.

The WMG has no idea what these LocoRoco are singing about, but it is very pleasing to hear. The singing is in some other tongue, most likely made up. The songs are cheerful, uplifting, positive, and fun. The true test of any music is: does it stay with you? The WMG has been caught humming, and out right singing the songs from this game. It is that infectious. All of the special effects in the sounds work splendidly with the games content.

LocoRoco has replay value from here until when we celebrate Christ’s birth. Each of the forty levels has quite a few collectible items to be found. These are not easily found either. There are hidden things, behind hidden things in some levels. Sony also provided a LocoRoco house that players can build for their little guys. Items for the house are hidden all around. On top of that there are some fun little mini games. This game is not only worth the money if you are an owner of a Sony Playstation Portable (PSP); it is also a purchase reason for those who have been waiting to get a PSP. Yes, Virginia LocoRoco is that good.

The controls in LocoRoco are very simple, but handled quite well. After all there are only three buttons to use. This is however never a determent. Instead it feels just right. The level designs are pure pwnage. The WMG had to look extremely hard to find half of the hidden secret areas. This is the kind of a game that is pure fun to play.

The WMG was skeptical about LocoRoco, especially due to the name. This is a game that should not be judged by the cover though. It teaches exploration, helping those in need, and is truly a video game that is just fun. This game is safe for the entire family, and is one the WMG recommends to pastors all over America. It was the WMG pleasure to play and review this game. Sony needs to make a sequel to this game, and soon. LocoRoco is so well received, that it has earned the FFG seal of approval.
- Working Man Gamer

Graphics: 97%
Sound: 98%
Replay/Extras: 100%
Gameplay: 100%
Family Friendly Factor: 99%
System: Playstation Portable
Publisher: Sony
'E' for Everyone

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