Q. Do I have to be a Christian to enjoy this web site? A. Not at all. You are welcome, as is your input. The owners of this web site are Christians, and are going to present their personal relationship with Jesus Christ since they have given over all aspects of their lives to God. Q. I don't care about morals in video games. Why are you doing this? A. Thankfully God made us differently. There are millions of parents who are interested in the moral content, or lack thereof in video games. IGN is not for everyone, and we know that not everyone will be receptive to our message. That does not mean however there is no one interested in what we have to say. In fact we have found a lot more people are interested, than are for censorship. We are bringing something new to the industry, and that is a good thing. If your favorite gaming magazine is afraid of some competition, well that is their immature insecurity. We welcome the competition. Q. Video games do not teach anything. They are only entertainment, can't you see that? A. Sadly you are wrong. There are plenty of good books to educate you to the truth. Al Menconi has a wonderful book called: "But it doesn't affect me." My personal answer to you is if you are really interested then take the time to trace back your attitudes, and opinions. Where did you get them? I know many of the secular gaming magazines/websites like to repeat this lies over and over again. Just because they repeat a lie over and over again does not make it the truth. Free your mind from their influence and look at it with an open mind. Apple seeds are sugar coated poison, so are some video games. The sugar coating is what you are dwelling on, and I am asking you to look beyond that at the poison. Q. Will you review this ??? 'M' rated game? A. Currently we are steering clear of most 'M' rated games because most of them are not family friendly. Q. Why are you afraid to play 'M' rated games? A. It is not a matter of fear. I do not need to watch porn to know it is morally corrupt. The same applies with most 'M' rated games. Yes, there are some exceptions. The ESRB has a lot of people questioning their ratings. Many games get ratings that are too low, and some games get ratings that are too high. Q. Companies like Nintendo have a kiddy image. They need more 'M' rated games to improve their image. Why do you want less 'M' rated games? A. First off the premise of your statements are false. You repeated a lie from the secular gaming media. Adults have families. A sign of maturity is raising children. It would be child abuse to expose your children to such acts of brutality in 'M' rated games. I personally do not see Nintendo as 'kiddy.' I see them as usually family friendly. I see Sony and Microsoft as having bad images because they are shoveling more and more immature games on the market. So in my humble opinion you have it 100% backwards. Q. Why do you call 'M' rated games Immature? A. This is simple. The acts in most 'M' rated games are not acts of maturity; instead they are acts of immaturity. Since when is murdering and raping considered acts of maturity? In truth they are acts of immaturity. By the ESRB's failed logic the most mature people of our society are in jail. Q. Why do you call 'M' rated games Macabre? A. Think about the content of a lot of the 'M' rated games. The content is usually of the Macabre nature. Thus logic would dictate the most proper description of such games is Macabre. Q. Are there any redeeming qualities in 'M' rated games? A. There is a tremendous missions field for missionaries for many of the online 'M' rated games. The overwhelming majority of people who play these games get no church, no Holy Bible, and see no Christians. There have been a lot of stories about those who came to Christ from a believer witnessing to them in love while playing an online game (including 'M' rated games). Q. How can I advertise in/on Family Friendly Gaming? A. On the Advertise page of this web site is a link that has information as to the costs of advertising. We are happy to work with you concerning sizes, and placement on the page(s). Q. How can I get my game reviewed by Family Friendly Gaming? A. We can not promise to be able to review any game in particular. We however do all we can to review games that are sent in for review purpose. Email the EIC at pbury@familyfriendlygaming.com what product(s) you would like us to review for location. Q. How can I join your staff? A. Send us an email. Include in that a writing sample, and a statement of faith. Q. How often do you update this awesome web site? A. As often as I can, and as something new happens. Please bear in mind that I do this on my own personal time as a sacrifice to God. I work a day job as a Computer Programmer for a company in Memphis. I am married with two wonderful boys. When God decides I am to do this full time then He will provide for this ministry and it will grow to that point. Q. Why don't you cover Christian games only? A. For a couple of reasons. First off there are not enough Christian video games to cover them only. Secondly, there are many secular games that are family friendly. Finally, there are games that are 'E' rated that are not appropriate. We like to cover those to assist families in making decisions. Q. Which home console has the most family friendly games? A. That would have to be the Wii. The Personal Computer (PC) has the most Christian games as a side note. Q. How are you able to beat Gamespot, and IGN to some news stories? A. Trade secret. *lol* No seriously the companies send out the news releases to all media outlets at the same time. We have been able to bring you some of that news first. We can not speak for their time delay on getting you the news. Q. Has there been any progress in the way of family friendly games? A. Actually we have been noticing progress. More developers are not only embracing this magazine/website, but they are also telling us about their family friendly titles. Q. How did you come up with that really cool grading scale for games? A. A lot of prayer, some fasting, and serious thinking. Q. How do I get a personal relationship with Jesus Christ? A. Admit you are a sinner. Believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross for you. Turn away from your sins. Receive Jesus Christ in your heart. Here is an example prayer: Jesus, I know that I am a sinner and need Your forgiveness. I believe that You died for my sins. I want to turn from my sins. I now invite You to come into my heart and life. I want to trust and follow You as my personal Lord and Savior. Amen.